Cas client
Manufacturer of mass-market products
Programme relationnel orienté client
À propos du client.
An industrial company that designs, manufactures and markets "high-end" products with a strong technological component for the general public, directly or via partners.

What was your approach to the issue?
The suggested approach, firmly client-oriented, was intended to move from a purely “interested” program to one that was also “interesting” for the client.
To achieve this, the chosen approach was based on the complementarity of the modes of relational proactivity:
- The client’s life moments, to engage and maintain a dialogue with clients on subjects that interest them according to their “personal” or “collective” life events;
- The key moments of the customer’s life cycle, in order to continue the dialogues initiated by The customer relationship actors during interactions linked to the customer journey;
- Communication opportunities for the brand, such as brand or market events.
Once these triggering events were identified, the objective was to identify for each one the themes of real interest for the customer and on which the brand was relevant and legitimate to communicate.
At the end, the relational scenarios were defined and progressively implemented.

What was the key to your success?
The organization’s ability to question itself, by moving from a relational model that was self-centered on the promotion of its products to a model that took into account the real expectations and aspirations of its customers in order to build a long-term value relationship, was a determining factor in the success of the project. Moreover, the contribution of the methodological approach to the internal development of the customer culture was particularly welcomed in a context of more global transformation of the company through the customer experience.

Where did you start from?
As part of its development and in order to ensure profitable growth, the company had to face three challenges:
- To develop the share of its direct sales by targeting a younger clientele.
- Engage its customers in a more sustainable way and turn them into true brand ambassadors.
- Translate the brand promise more concretely during customer interactions
A customer relationship program existed, but it was very limited in terms of targets, interaction channels and value-added content. In addition, it was built with a very short-term view of return on investment.

What were the results?
A new and effective relationship program, which structures all interactions and communications in a coherent and coordinated way between the customer and the brand. It addresses the initial challenges of business development and strengthening the long-term relationship between the customer and the brand.
From the customer’s point of view, the new relationship program thus designed :
- speaks to them about subjects that are genuinely interesting to them
- communicates with them when they need it
- Goes to find them where they are
- makes them an actor in the relationship
- enriches the dialogues he has already had with the other actors of the customer relationship