Cas client
Subsidiary of an international agri-food group
Mobilization around tranformation projects
À propos du client.
This group is focused on the manufacture and sale of processed cheeses, with many well-known brands.

What were the results?
- Export development and local sourcing: 2 challenges successfully tackled!
- Coherence and focus of the CODIR’s actions on mobilizing teams
- Transforming projects with clearly defined milestones
- Project leaders empowered to take responsibility for the roadmaps of each project
- Decompartmentalization and mobilization of teams accelerating implementation
- Deadlines met for the achievement of the first milestones of key projects
- A sustainable dynamic for steering and achieving priorities
What was the key to your success?
The work on the cohesion of the CODIR and its role as pilot of the transformation allowed regular monitoring of the progressive mobilization and the coherence of the teams’ actions.
The transmission to a transformation pilot of the method of mobilization around roadmaps and action plans has allowed to maintain in the long term the dynamics created.
1 Partner, 1 Senior Consultant
Where did you start from?
After a phase of strong growth, the subsidiary is facing quality and image crises. The management team had to integrate the subsidiary into the Group’s strategy, with a contribution to results that had to be multiplied by 2.
The subsidiary’s manager knows that he or she must align the priorities received from different levels of the organization and select, together with his or her CODIR, the major projects on which to mobilize all the teams.

What was your approach to the issue?
CODIR accountability and alignment:
- Precise reporting to each Director of their continuous improvement projects (RUN) and transforming projects (BUILD)
- CODIR alignment seminar: sharing of ambition, consolidation of priorities, sharing of the mobilization method, focus on the role of the Directors
Breakdown of projects into roadmaps and involvement by department
- Co-construction with each Director of his or her transformation roadmap: intermediate achievements to be reached (= concrete success factors)
- Involvement of transforming project leaders in the development of roadmaps
Definition of action plans, animation and training of the project managers’ community
- Construction of a precise action plan by each project leader, with the support of the consultant
- Market place” event: sharing the first actions on projects to mobilize all managers and increase collective energy
- Training of project managers in change management and cross-functional management to ensure that deadlines are met