What is the potential of AI for your business?

AI is a transformative technology with seemingly limitless potential. It’s a topic of major disruption, performance maximization, and intense debate, prominently featured in mainstream media. It generates nearly as many articles (163,000 in Q1 2024) as the Israel/Hamas conflict (175,000) and just about half as many as the war in Ukraine (over 300,000), to which it adds context (source: France Info, Infomédia section, 26/04/24).


As of mid-2024, every company we work with has at least experimented with AI (40), a few are considering scaling their proof of concepts (POCs) (4), and an even smaller number have successfully done so (1). Our clients are often highly driven by digital transformation, suggesting that our sample may not fully represent the market; nonetheless, this confirms AI as a major driver of upcoming transformations.


At Talisker, I am very pleased that we decided to embrace this movement five years ago by participating in projects that were considered outliers at the time. Today, we work concretely with executives on AI from ideation to implementation across four phases of adopting this technological lever for the business:

  1. Awareness and Ideation: We help executives understand AI by debunking myths and explaining the technological underpinnings to avoid the “magic wand” effect. This involves eliminating false good ideas, avoiding halo effects, and engaging in practical exercises (POCs, POVs, hackathon challenges) to understand limits and opportunities in the company’s context. It’s about building a vision of how the company can leverage disruptive technologies in its market.
  2. Adoption and Implementation: We select the right use cases and technologies, develop business cases, and establish transformation capabilities. We conduct studies with teams to focus on scalable cases and address projects handling 100% of the workflow with industrial solutions. We have experience in the banking (BNP) and insurance (APIVIA) sectors.
  3. Expansion and Productivity: We expand the scope and build on initial gains. These technologies have deep implementation potential, so once established, they should be leveraged over the long term to transform the operational model. It’s the operational time saved, rather than the value promise, that needs to be tracked. Few projects have such a direct link between investment and operational load.
  4. Consolidation and Reorganization: We help the most advanced companies reorganize to sustain the new model. This involves considering the constraints posed by eliminating steps in building human expertise, maintaining and evolving AI models, and creating new roles. We support companies in building their new organization.


Over the past five years, we have gained experience in each of these four phases, making us one of the few players who are no longer in the exploration stage of these issues. This is a source of pride and an attractor for both talent and prospective clients seeking help with their challenges. It is exciting and inspiring to be at the heart of one of the most profound transformations in the economy.


Find more information about AI at Talisker below.